FEIEA Webinar: insight from Europe’s award-winning IC projects
FEIEA Webinar: insight from Europe’s award-winning IC projects
február 2024
Pozývame vás na webinár FEIEA - Insight from Europe’s award-winning IC projects. Budete mať možnosť spoznať tri rôzne projekty, z toho jeden aj zo Slovenska - projekt Quizer od Tatra Banky, ktorý vyhral hlavnú cenu v kategórii Best digital Platform.
Kde: Online webinár cez Zoom (treba sa registrovať na linku nižšie)
Meet FEIEA’s 2023 award winners on 4 March to learn more about their winning entries – the challenges, the solutions and the impact they delivered.
This free one-hour webinar will feature case studies from three of the FEIEA awards class winners, sharing what they learned and their own top tips for success.
- Best IC change strategy – Poland’s BNP Paribas Bank I CAN campaign. The judges chose this communication of new organizational culture in BNP Paribas Bank Polska as their winner as a powerful campaign that translated values into behaviours and clear messaging. The change communication campaign demonstrated impact and that it won the “hearts and minds” of all the employees.
- Best Digital Platform – Slovakia’s Tatra Banka Quizer. Tatra Banka’s vision is to become the most recommended banking group in Slovakia. They need to focus on an exceptional Customer Experience. and to improve the Customer and Employee experience and recommendations of the bank. The team came up with an innovative form of education based on gamification for 1,240 employees in retail. Quizer is a dynamic quiz game where colleagues compete in duels. Attractive prizes and competing with colleagues provide motivation to learn, encourages cooperation and partnership.
- Best event – Belgium’s Ypto Good2KnowU(2) event. An innovative internal marketplace concept where people from different departments could present their teams, their projects or their activities to colleagues in an informal and creative way in the new office building, raising awareness, understanding and ‘togetherness’.