Hybrid working - how to prepare for and manage a reimagined world of work
Hybrid working - how to prepare for and manage a reimagined world of work
apríl 2021
Pripojte sa k londýnskemu IoIC a jeho panelu odborníkov zdieľajúcich svoje poznatky z vývoja a implementácie dlhodobej stratégie hybridnej práce.
Kedy: štvrtok 29.4.2021, 14:00 (nášho času) - 15:00
Kde: Online webinár
Webinár bude v angličtine:
What are the key elements of success, what are the pitfalls to avoid?
What would they do differently if asked to do it again?
A practical and topical discussion for anyone interested in or embarking on a hybrid-working strategy.
The expert panel:
Yvonne O'Hara, Head of IC at the Metropolitan Police
Paul Mckinlay, VP Communications and Remote Working, Cimpress and Vistaprint
Kate Shaw, Senior Communications and Engagement Manager, Nationwide
Facilitated by Daniel Lambie, Senior IC consultant at scarlettabbott
Bezplatná registrácia pre členov AICO je TU.
Uzavierka registracii je streda 28.4.2021 o 21:00.