Social Business Adaptation for leaders, internal comms & HR

Social Business Adaptation for leaders, internal comms & HR
február 2017
AICO Workshop with Luis Suarez, exclusively for members of AICO.
V druhej časti AICO Roundtable našim členom ponúkame možnosť zúčastniť sa workshopu so svetovo uznávaným odborníkom na oblasť knowledge manažmentu, Luisom Suarezom. Workshop bude vedený v angličtine, bez tlmočenia. Prečítajte si jeho osnovu:

In this Social Business Adaptation workshop you will be able to gain insights, hands-on knowledge and expertise as well as good business practices from industry expert Luis Suarez, whom with over 20 years of working experience will be discussing the different phases around Social Business Adoption programmes going from: 

1. Defining business imperatives
2. Establish the most convenient governance model that meets your business needs
3. Consolidate a series of solid use cases to help transform your organisation through digital tools and Enterprise Social Networking platforms
4. Identify your champions and change leaders in order to build a successful community programme around your social business adoption change initiatives
5. Define what an Enablement & Education programme that would fit your employees’ needs the closest, as well as your business. 

And, eventually, in this Social Business Adaptation workshop Luis Suarez will share the framework you can already start using within your own company to embark on the journey to become a Socially Integrated Enterprise.

Come and join us to learn how you, too, could help transform your organisation from the ground up and define a new way of work for your and your colleagues, through utilising digital tools to get work done more effectively, that would help you grow and innovate further along to advance rather strongly into the Knowledge Economy of the 21st century.

Zaregistrujte sa už teraz, kapacita workshopu je obmedzená.

Zlatý člen asociácie AICO: 1 voľný vstup zdarma na základe registrácie
Strieborný člen asociácie AICO: 149 EUR na základe registrácie
Ostatní: po registrácii a uhradení príspevku 299,- EUR